Thursday, February 02, 2006

this week's SAnS title/abstract

hi Kevin, and all other interested parties;

I've submitted an abstract for UM Student Analysis Seminar this week, and the format will be a little different from previous times and traditional seminars.

This is a call for open problems: they don't need to be high-powered and result in a publication, but an opening to stimulate thought. The goal is to raise interest in varying subfields in analysis, and possibly lead to collaborations amongst us students.

So, anyone know a good problem? q:

Tues, 7 Feb 2006 (5-6 pm)
Title: Open Problem Session
Speaker: none
Abstract: Interested parties will bring unsolved problems (related to mathematical analysis; possibly research level) and we will spend the hour discussing them, and hopefully make progress in solving them.

When choosing problems, we would prefer that the background not be too lengthy; problems of a general background (e.g. complex analysis, measure theory) are encouraged.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let f : R^n -> R^n be a Lipschitz quotient map, n>2. Does every point have a discrete preimage under f?

Background: Uniform Quotient Mappings of the Plane, Michigan Math. J. 47.

7:13 PM  

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